
Pre Prep (Years 1 & 2)

At Griffin House School we aim to ensure that every child can be the very best version of themselves.

Our Pre Prep is situated within the main school building and is an extremely happy, stimulating and secure environment for our pupils to continue their education whilst being able to enjoy the wonderful facilities used by the rest of the school such as the tennis court, the woods, the field and the outdoor classroom.

The Pre Prep comprises of three classrooms for Form I and Form II. All have attached cloakroom facilities and access to a rich and vibrant environment for outdoor learning. The atmosphere is bright, colourful, purposeful and welcoming.  In the Pre Prep we aim to develop confident, hardworking pupils who have high self-esteem and a passion for learning. We nurture our pupils socially and pastorally so that they don’t just love school but relish the friendships they form and the wide variety of activities available to them.

The form groups are one/two form entry, with class sizes capped at 20. Each class has a full-time teacher, teaching assistant and reading assistant. Core lessons take place in the classroom. Onsite facilities for sport and subject rooms for art, drama, ICT and music provide space for the children to be taught by experienced specialist teachers. A large, well-equipped art room, a science lab and school hall are all available for the children. Homework is balanced to the ability and needs of each child at their age and stage, ensuring that the task is achievable and relevant.

At Griffin House School we aim to ensure that every child can be the very best version of themselves.

Our Pre Prep is situated within the main school building and is an extremely happy, stimulating and secure environment for our pupils to continue their education whilst being able to enjoy the wonderful facilities used by the rest of the school such as the tennis court, the woods, the field and the outdoor classroom.

The Pre Prep comprises of three classrooms for Form I and Form II. All have attached cloakroom facilities and access to a rich and vibrant environment for outdoor learning. The atmosphere is bright, colourful, purposeful and welcoming.  In the Pre Prep we aim to develop confident, hardworking pupils who have high self-esteem and a passion for learning. We nurture our pupils socially and pastorally so that they don’t just love school but relish the friendships they form and the wide variety of activities available to them.

The form groups are one/two form entry, with class sizes capped at 20. Each class has a full-time teacher, teaching assistant and reading assistant. Core lessons take place in the classroom. Onsite facilities for sport and subject rooms for art, drama, ICT and music provide space for the children to be taught by experienced specialist teachers. A large, well-equipped art room, a science lab and school hall are all available for the children. Homework is balanced to the ability and needs of each child at their age and stage, ensuring that the task is achievable and relevant.

Our well qualified, experienced and committed staff teach small class sizes in an environment which is caring and stimulating. We treat each child as an individual and are flexible to offer additional support or to recognise and challenge the able, gifted and talented. We encourage creative thinking and believe that it is important that our children can analyse and look at problems in different ways, applying their developing questioning and thinking skills across the curriculum. Our pastoral care was judged to be ‘outstanding’ by a recent Independent Schools Inspectorate.

Through close relationships with our parents, we ensure the learning process is highly effective and we are able to meet the diverse needs of our learners both academically and pastorally.  We are committed to providing a firm foundation for all children in our care as they look forward to the exciting next steps in education and the challenges they will face in life.


“Achievement in literacy and numeracy is excellent, with good skills and progression evidenced in other subjects.”

Independent Schools Inspectorate 2020

Prep School (Years III - V)

A Prep School Department that has your child prepared for the future

At Griffin House we will lay the foundations for your child to be a confident, aspirational and resilient learner. 

Within the prep department our aims are:

  • To ensure that every pupil is happy, confident and secure.
  • To provide a stimulating environment where each child fosters a love of learning.
  • To provide a secure basis for future education. We will equip your child with the skills and attitudes they will need for their academic career. Our promotion of mutual respect, tolerance, and kindness ensures that your child will meet the challenges of their next school well prepared. 
  • To monitor your child’s progress throughout the school, ensuring that barriers to learning can be overcome with the necessary support.
  • To provide a curriculum that is wide and varied, regularly supplemented by external visitors and educational visits.
  • To promote respect and tolerance. We are confident that your child will leave our school well rounded and respectful.
  • To encourage a school culture that enriches the children’s understanding and appreciation of the world around them.
  • To encourage your child to investigate, be inquisitive, to challenge and think creatively but also critically.

Learning is brought to life in all subjects through the passion and knowledge of our dedicated teachers and specialist teachers.  Our committed staff team have high expectations of pupils inspiring them to believe anything is possible. There is a calm and purposeful learning environment that encourages mutual respect and enables the children to reach their full potential. Our personalised approach to teaching ensures that learners of all abilities are stretched and challenged or supported and encouraged. Creative subjects of sport, art, music and drama enhance our academic curriculum to develop fully-rounded and adventurous people.

As well as having your child’s academic needs at the centre of our approach, we pride

ourselves on our exceptional pastoral care. Staff are always ready and willing to listen to pupil’s concerns, and the school operates an open-door policy for anything you might like to discuss. We value our strong and productive working relationship with parents, as we believe that this effective partnership greatly benefits your child.


“Pupils have excellent communication skills, demonstrating in discussions that they are confident and articulate speakers.’

Independent Schools Inspectorate 2020

Form VI, Results and Destinations

Form VI

At the top end of our Prep department, Form VI is a year which further prepares your child to be confident, enthusiastic and ready for their next step in education.

There are many opportunities for your child to take on new challenges and contribute to school life in order to promote a deeper sense of responsibility, confidence and respect. Your child will be encouraged to take on roles such as head of house, eco council, librarian and many others.

Our curriculum remains broad and balanced, further encouraging your child to reach their potential. We understand that facing 11+ exams may be a rather stressful time. Small class sizes and dedicated teachers throughout our Prep School ensure that your child is supported and encouraged, both academically and otherwise, to reach their full potential and secondary school of choice.

Results and Destinations

The hard work of our children and staff mean that Griffin House children reach their academic potential and this results in excellent academic success. We are a non-selective school, which makes our academic successes all the more impressive. Around 75% of our children will go on to selective grammar and independent schools. Our 11+ results are very impressive, and we have featured in the Sunday Times Top 100 Independent Schools based on SATs results for the past five years (this year we were placed at Number 31 nationally). Our pastoral and academic focus and attention to each individual child is vital in helping each child to feel confident and ready to flourish in any setting that they are moving on to.

"A truly unique school. Our two children have been privileged to spend happy years at Griffin House and we will all remember this time fondly."
Parent of Year 6 Leaver 2020